There are numerous Let It Ride pay tables, but the most common one is typically as shown on the chart below.

This is the fifth installment of “How to Play Let It Ride, Cowboy” which can be downloaded for free from
You should always look at the listed pay table on any Let It Ride game before you start playing, and know your Let It Ride odds. Various casinos may use different pay out schemes. You could be in for an unwelcome surprise if…
…you begin playing at a new casino without investigating the pay table first.
For the pay table outlined above, the expected casino or house edge is 3.5057 percent. This calculation assumes that you are playing perfect strategy. If the house edge is 3.5%, it means that 93% of the time you will be taking back your first bet, and 85% of the time you will be taking back your second bet. Your third bet is locked in. You can expect to stay in the game with all three bets only about once every 16 hands.

These Let It Ride odds are about the best you will find at any casino. However, these odds may still leave something to be desired if you are comparing them to games such as Blackjack, which have a much smaller house edge.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn the history of Let It Ride, and much more. Download our FREE eBook: How to Play Let It Ride, Cowboy! Then check out our current specials and make your reservation on the Myrtle Beach Big “M” Casino Cruise in Little River, South Carolina!
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